Ensure a safe environment for workers
Analyse air pollution, monitor hazardous locations, maintain compliance of safety equipment, and monitor isolated workers. Our products take into account the overall environment of your worksite so you can implement an appropriate safety system.

Increase Workers’ On-site Safety
Whether you are working on a building or a large public works project such as a tunnel or a viaduct, the use of a geolocation system enables you to:
Benefit from a real-time workforce headcount and location in the event of an evacuation
Ensure safety equipment conforms with regulation and its location in the event of an emergency
Control access to sensitive areas
Locate isolated workers

Manage processes on a single platform
Within our platform, you can access in real time:
The location of workers throughout the site (by floor, as well as by zone)
The headcount by zone and by company
Intrusion alerts in restricted areas
The occupancy rate of the shelters (for tunnel construction sites)
The number of safety facilities reaching the end of their compliance period
Fight against respirable crystalline silica
Thanks to our portable respirable crystalline silica sensor, co-developed with Ellona, and our NuisAlgo Air platform, you can detect the presence of respirable crystalline silica in real time to better protect your employees.
Our platform offers:
Real-time crystalline silica levels present in your operations
Alerts in case of exposure peaks
Real-time, cumulative exposure, calculated throughout work days; alerts are issued when regulatory limits are approached
In case of overexposure of an employee, you are instantly alerted in order to implement appropriate protective measures.

Benefits of the product

Decrease safety violations on worksites

Get real-time alerts and react in time

Guarantee a safe working environment for all employees
Our references
Lille-Europe: Monitoring air quality and worker geolocation for Colas Rail
Ensuring worker safety during extensive night-time renovation works at this high-speed train station in northern France
Bouygues Travaux Publics Région Parisienne: Mantes la Jolie railway viaduct
Traceability of inert, non dangerous materials and common industrial waste
Horizon Grand Paris: Line 15 South – T3A Tunnel
Monitoring of multi-service vehicles in the Line 15 South tunnel
Want to learn more ?
Whether you want to ask a question about our products or simply exchange on the subject, do not hesitate to get in touch with our teams